Deleting already declared variables

How to delete variables already declared within a →graphical editor:

  1. Make the list of declared variables visible. 

  2. Select the variables in the list.
    Press Ctrl+A to select all elements in the view. Or press and hold the Shift- or the Ctrl-key to select several variables. 

  3. From the context menu, select Delete. Alternative: Press the Del-key.
    If these variables are used within in the drawing field, the usages of the variables are kept (e.g. within a →value field). However, the usages will be highlighted as faulty (possibly after the changes are saved).

Good to know

(grey lightbulb) It is not possible to delete the declaration of a function block instance within the list of the declared variables. They are automatically deleted, if you delete all calls of the function block instance within the drawing field.

(grey lightbulb)You are able to only delete a variable for an →action block in the list of the declared variables, if the drawing field does not contain any action block using this variable.